Wednesday, February 25, 2009

keepin' up

Trying anyhow. I figured I should really try to post photos more than once a week so I don't have to sit here for an hour and a half uploading photos.

I'm going to do a quick post here and then go have a nap. I'm pooped today! Partly because I had a later than usual night and still woke up at 6 am even though my children were not here. And partly because I haven't had any caffeine today. Funny how quickly your body relies on it. I might have to have a cup of tea when I get up.


No, I'm not there right now. But I will be! In THREE short weeks, my hubbie and I get to go away on a hot holiday in the Mexican sun without our kids. I will miss them indeed, but I am also looking forward to not cooking for a week and just relaxing in the sun while I sip a pina colada (or two)!


This just made me really happy yesterday because my house was quiet and I got to sit and enjoy a yummy, foamy chai. Simple pleasures.


He is such a tiny little guy so it makes me laugh to see him standing in his crib already. He looked to slim with just his diaper on standing there drooling and squealing!


Had a yummy birthday dinner at Mom and Dad's the day after my birthday. Chocolate cake courtesy of Greg himself. The lady behind me is Mom's neighbor Toni who's birthday is the day before mine. Nice to share dinner with her! Hope to be half as energetic and vibrant as she is at her age.

Nap time....

Sunday, February 22, 2009

One Year Older

No, I'm not talking about one of my children, I'm talking about me. I just celebrated another birthday. 36 years old. How did that happen? How did I get closer to 40 than I did to 30?

Sheesh, life sure passes by quickly. But, it is only a number - I still act like I'm a teenager a good chunk of the time! And, on occassion, like a that throws fits and tantrums! So, the number just doesn't matter. At least that is what I'm telling myself as I creep closer and closer to the big four - oh.

I had a fabulous birthday! And it isn't over, I like to spread it out over days and days. Usually I call it birthday week (I even have my brother and sister-in-law wishing me a "Happy Birthday Week!" - love that!) but this year, it has been condensed to Birthday Weekend.

Yesterday I was served a venti Starbucks and breakfast in bed. Eggs, bacon and toast. Yum! Then I went for a pedicure which was delightful. After that I came home and tidied up a bit (although I had to point out several times to anyone that would listen that I was cleaning ON my birthday!) and waited for a girlfriend to arrive to scrapbook. We scrapbooked for about an hour before we had a martini and some yummy snacks! Then we scrapbooked some more until more girlfriends arrived for a pre-dinner birthday drink.

We went here and it was fabulous! We all shared fondue (cheese, beef and seafood) and ended it with chocolate fondue which was soooooo good that we ordered another chocolate fondue to share! What a yummy birthday dinner! It was so rich that I had the fleeting thought that I might end the evening over the toilet with Candy holding my hair back and me crying out "I love you man!" And it was seriously from the rich meal and NOT the birthday bevvies! However, I feel as spry as a 35 year old today so it all turned out okay.

Lily asked me several times yesterday "It's your birthday today? Where are your decorations??" Indeed Lily, where were my decorations?

Today, I will continue to milk birthday weekend for all its worth and enjoy a birthday dinner with my parents at their house and then my children will stay the night there and spend the entire day there tomorrow! Woo hoo to that!

On a serious note, I always seem to feel a bit reflective on my birthday. I feel really blessed to have an awesome little family that is healthy, a home and food on the table, great friends that I have so much fun with and parents that I'm close to.

Here are a few photos from the last week and most importantly from birthday...have I mentioned that?


Me, on my birthday, enjoying a cocktail.


Swinging outside after pre-school...


He is soooo quick...


Playing Peek-a-Boo with Gabrielle...he rarely covers his eyes, but instead puts his arms and hands on his head! So cute.


Dressed up like a little dude


Gabrielle had a been in her bonnet about having their faces painted. They had fun playing cats and dogs and then, fighting like cats and dogs.


Gabrielle just doesn't appreciate Chocolate Molten Lava cake like I do. She only had two bites and then walked away from it. Me, I would have licked the plate clean.


My Valentines...oh and their Dad too.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Has it really been...

a week and a half since I've been on here?? Where does the time go? Well between three kids, a bit of work to do for a client and life in general, time just flies by.

And of course a bit of time spent looking for hotels in NYC. The count down is on - 13 of us ladies travelling to NYC to shop, take in the sights, catch a broadway show and just experience all New York has to offer. Can I hear a WOOOOOO HOOOOO - HOO?? I am soooo excited.

In other exciting new, we were hoping to book a trip somewhere this spring. First it was Hawaii w/ my folks but that didn't pan out because the cost of flights was INSANE! It would have cost us around $4000 just to fly there. Then we thought perhaps we'd join my cousin and her family in Disneyland and were this close to booking it. But again, decided against spending $4000 for a week at Disney when we could spend marginally more and go on an all-inclusive. That would be a REAL break! Then we thought we'd try to get away with friends (without kids!) to a sunny location.

Once again, logic and responsibility won out. Why you ask? Because we need one of these. About the price of a hot vacation aren't they? And this summer, we also need to do this. Luckily my husband can do this so hopefully it will save us some dough.

And although I think we can get by a wee bit longer with what we have, I would really like these PDQ. I don't know what you think, but I'm pretty sure drying your clothes shouldn't take two hours.

Here are a week and a half's worth of pictures for your viewing pleasure...Happy Valentine's Day!


He loves to run his hands through his hair during mealtime.


She sure loves her brother! The only issue is she tries to be the Mom and makes her own decisions with him. Like when he should come out of the exer-saucer to be carried around. Or if its okay for Lily to hold him and carry him around and then get dropped on the floor.


Ready to go to her Valentine's Day party at pre-school.


Went for Vietnamese food with some girlfriends and then watched a movie and ate too many treats!


Cuties in the tub...


Enjoying his first piece of toast. He is doing so much better on chunky food now - no more gagging like the first few tries.


Another new expression for our enjoyment. Changing daily this kid.


Can you see that little tooth on the bottom? Just poked through recently.


Love dressing him like a little dude. He looks so cute dressed like a little man.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy Hump-Day!

The day just flew by! That is because I worked all day and was out of my house from 8:30 am to 3 pm and still had work to do once I got home.

The most exciting thing of the day is that I booked a trip here. Twelve ladies are going and I cannot wait! Must be good at budgeting and saving so that when September 22 arrives I have money to spend. But really, all I care about is the experience. And if there is a little extra to do some shopping with, even better!

I really want to take Gabrielle to this! I LOVED this move as a kid and could often be found watching it on Saturday mornings. I should rent it and see what her reaction is before spending the dough on a play.

And for more random blathering (and because it is fun to put links in) I am soooo close to ordering, my skin has changed since being pregnant with Max. I used to have pretty decent skin with only the occasional breakout but now I have this lovely spot right under my nose that is constantly red and zitty. Nice!

Last night I purchased some music from the Apple istore which was quite exciting - my first time doing that since getting my ipod last Christmas. I am determined to listen to music rather than turning on the TV for background noise.

Oh and my birthday week is coming up so here is my list of desired gifts. I want a pair of these. I think they are so ugly but I would enjoy having warm feet for once during freezing temperatures. And I want this too. They are so cute and would be great for the gym.
This is probably on the top of my list. Looks like I'll have to wait until next year but I really want to learn how to use my camera instead of always shooting on automatic.
Better finish up...I am so looking forward to watching this tonight. And I think I'll make some popcorn...

Feb 4.09

I haven't had a glass in quite some time and let me tell you it was fabulous.


We made valentines together today for her pre-school class. They are still sticky from all the glue she used!

Monday, February 2, 2009

For the last half hour

she's been reading to her sister. They haven't had a fight in at least an hour. Lately, they've been averaging 30 seconds.


And that is why, dear blog readers (all three of you!) I have not been spending much time on updating my blog. Because those two girls, ages 6 and 3, have been kicking the crap out of me with their antics.

I fear the teenage years. Because I cannot imagine the fights they will have years from now if they can fight like they do at only 6 and 3. And I fear how I will handle it...because lately, I have not been handling it well at all. No "Mother Of The Year" award for me.

The other reason that I have not been blogging is that I've been working again. And last week was a crazy week with one of us out every single night. So today, after a busy, hectic week and another day full of the joys of motherhood...I will take a few moments to post a few pictures of our life. And then when they are in bed, I am going to have a glass of wine and watch some crappy reality show.


She put on her Daddy's hat first thing this morning while she ate her "Krispies"...darnit, she's cute.

January 31, '09

Grammy and Papa babysat on Saturday night and this is what they were up to. Sliding through the tunnel down the stairs.

January 30'09

He is SOOOOOOOO busy. No more leaving him alone in a room and coming back to find him in the same spot. He does the army crawl in a split second to whatever catches his eye so I have to be REALLY good at making sure there isn't anything little laying around. Today he just seemed bored, like he wanted to do something he just couldn't do (like run!) so I stuck him in the jolly jumper and he had a ball! He was squealing like crazy he was having so much fun...

January 29 '09

On occasion when they play together, Gabrielle likes to dress Lily up and do her hair. This particular day she told Lily that she was going to marry a Prince when they got downstairs. Lily wasn't too impressed when she got downstairs and discovered there wasn't a Prince for her to marry!

January 28 '09

Gabrielle had a school concert tonight. They all sung songs in Spanish with their classmates and then grades K - 6 all performed a song and dance together. She would not cooperate because she was mad at me. She is going to make a fine teenager.

January 27 '09

My cutie pie in his duck towel.

January 26 '09

She was sitting at the window waiting for her friend to come and play.