Thursday, May 24, 2012

embrace the camera 05.24.12

After a 5 day getaway with some ladies, it was so great to get back home to see my kids! What a difference a little break makes to a mum's life! It certainly refreshed me and helped me feel sane again - even ready to handle the craziness that comes with three kids, a husband, working part time, etc., etc.
Gabrielle claims to not have missed me at all. But after having an hour and a half alone with her a few days after I got back, I think she did.
This one missed me daily. She cried for her mummy every time her daddy got mad at her (and visa versa when its me getting mad at her!). Her phone calls were the cutest and it was obvious when i picked her up from school the day i got back that she was REALLY happy to see me. Even her teacher told me that she talked about missing me every day!
Maxy Max missed his momma too - but was pretty concerned with getting a gift as soon as possible when he saw me! It was nice to come home and have our morning cuddles like we do every day. Something i hope lasts a really long time - cuddles with my boy. But not to the point of it being weird or anything! My husband always jokes that it will be weird for him to snuggle with me when he has a wife! Its so good to miss your kids (for a little while) and for them to miss you. It definitely makes you appreciate them more.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I can post from my iPhone! Eek! That's cool cuz I have so many fantastic blog ideas but by the time I get to blogging, I'm too pooped! Now I can sit in front of the TV and blog. I read a certain blog today of a girl who has, like, 1400 followers and she talked about how she doesn't blog for her followers or for comments but just to record her family history. The stuff she doesn't want to forget about her kids while they are little. And it got me thinking that I just NEED to blog. Who cares if no one reads it, who cares if it's not as funny as I am in real life (cuz I am ya know), who cares if it's not written really well? As long as I am documenting the stuff I never want to forget about these 3 little people I'm blessed enough to have in my life...that is all that matters. I want to remember how Max says "ah-morrow" or "a-day" instead of TOmorrow or TOday. Or how he likes to play Barbies. Whether or not the girls are playing with him. He even defends it to his Dad, saying "they're BOY barbies!" And how he gets upset if we don't get our morning cuddle in bed.
Or how Lily gets REALLY cranky if she doesn't eat regularly. As in get her some food STAT or watch out. And after she eats she's almost instantly back to her normal self.
Or how she insisted on making me a belated Mothers Day breakfast in bed and then was so proud of the gift she made me. A tiny little jar with 2 chocolate kisses in it with some beads. And I want to remember her at her school dance a few weeks she danced with every thing she had while the other kids barely moved their little bodies. Lily was out there shaking her butt and moving her hips with the biggest grin on her face!
Or how Gabrielle is now 10 and her hormones seem to be kicking in and she thinks the rest of her family is friggin' stupid. Oh, wait, THAT is something I'd rather forget. But I do want to remember how spending an hour alone with her changes our relationship instantly and makes it better and good again. How even at the age of ten she needs alone time with her mum and how I need it too.
There is so much to remember, so much good and fun and joy in the midst of the grind, the routine and the chores. I want to remember it.