i read
THIS lady's blog. i love her. i don't know her, i've never met her, but i love her. her heart for orphans and children in general is AH-MAZING! i want to be more like her. truly. she has a house full of children with more on the way and i see her walk through it with grace, love, peace, joy and just the knowledge of knowing she is where God wants her to be. how often would anyone say that about me? sadly, i'd say never.
i love my kids dearly but i feel i am in a real process of the Lord changing me and working on me DAILY. i'm sure she feels the same way too. i hope He'll change me to more like L
OVE(that is her name...is that not the best?) or really, that He'll change me to be however HE wants me to be. i want the fruits of the spirit - especially when it comes to raising my kids. Who wouldn't?
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23
Esther. Love is trying to help the amazing family who are adopting her get her home. As you can imagine, adopting from anther country is expensive. They need our help. I know I have $20 to help them out. And if you don't, that's okay too...so pray for them! I have a heart for orphans too and often struggle with whether or not God is asking us to adopt. I work through that in prayer. At this point, I don't have that answer, but HE does. So I wait...and pray...and pray for others who know they are called to adopt.
Surprised? Don't be. I've always wanted lots of kids. But truth be told, I'm not so sure I have the personality for it! I'm a freak, to say the least. But I also know if God wants lots of kids in this family, He is more than capable of changing my personality to accomodate them. Pray about THAT one won't you??? Now...GO DONATE!!! (please?!)