Wednesday, January 19, 2011

52 2011 or in my lifetime anyhow

I found this idea here...and wanted to make my own. Hard to write a list that wasn't entirely self-centered. I'm betting it will be modified as time goes on and I'm not necessarily thinking all can or will be accomplished THIS year. But these are some things I think about....

1. Grow my hair. Long. Like as long as hers...

2. Volunteer at the Mustard Seed.
3. Organize bathroom cupboard. Add more shelves too.
4. Buy curtains for Maxwell.
5. Purge/organize back storage room.
6. Learn how to use my camera on manual mode.
7. Take kids on holiday.
8. Do something for someone else. Like something sacrificial.
9. Go on more date nights.
10. 6 AM devotion time.
11. 6:30 AM exercise time.
12. Renovate or accept that it won't happen.
13. Organize a fundraiser for a charity.
14. Dress nicer.
15. Be nicer.
16. Get a shelf for the girls room.
17. Pray more.
18. Stop eating so fast.
19. Cut up fruit and veggies so they're at the ready.
20. Build a playhouse.
21. Try eyelash extensions.
22. Take up running again.
23. Play with kids more often.
24. Organize office.
25. Donate old stamps/craft supplies.
26. Get involved at church.
27. Go on a mission trip (build houses in Mexico or the like).
28. Decorate a room to completion.
29. Wall paper a room.
30. Paint bathroom.
31. Wear more color, less black.
32. Take more naps.
33. Scrapbook randomly.
34. Find a worthy cause to join.
35. Stop swearing.
36. Be less anxious.
37. Be more compassionate.
38. Buy a really nice coat.

39. Purge old shoes.
40. Spend less time playing on the computer.
41. Ski with the kids and as a family.
42. Stretch (my body and myself)
43. Go for family walks and hikes.
44. Go on family picnics.
45. Eat food that fuels my body.
46. Decorate the playroom.
47. Have people over for dinner more often.
48. Get a PVR.
49. Get more sleep.
50. Stop focusing on the things I want to be different.
51. Commit to daily prayer for hubby/kids.
52. Have coffee dates with friends more regularly.

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