of the "Love Dare".... We are starting it again and determined to finish the whole FORTY days.
Have you seen this MOVIE? Well I found it hysterical. If you haven't seen it, rent it. Especially if you've been married for a while with kids. I watched it again the other night and realized a lot of what they are going through is true to my married life right now. I loved her describing her perfect fantasty! Totally mine too.
We are just really excellent room-mates. So, we had a good chat about it, my husband and I, and decided to start the Love Dare again. It gets you thinking about your spouse in other ways than just that guy that you live with who takes out the trash. We are in a rut and need to get out of it. We have to consciously take time for each other instead of him watching football and me sitting in front of my computer. I hope we can do the whole thing...is there anyone out there that can keep me accountable? If there is, encourage me to keep going!
Now...laundry, work, kids, bills, etc.
A photo to keep it interesting. A before and after. I've been playing with Photoshop Elements Actions and LOVING IT. Totally changes a picture. Want more! Can you believe the difference? I love it.
You GO girl!! Love the actions, you'll have to teach me how to download them... Too scared to try!