Anyhoooo...she asks me everytime we talk on the phone if anything is new. No, I tell her, we just spoke 2 days ago and nothing is new since then.
I'm thinking she doesn't remember the mundaneness of life when you have young kids. It is pretty routine and some days, BORING, when you have little ones because you do the same stuff over and over.
Today was somewhat out of the ordinary however. Gabrielle woke us up at 5 am to tell us she had a belly ache. Before she couldn't even form the words with her mouth, however, she started to vomit. Luckily (thank you Lord!) she made it to the bathroom sink and then over to the toilet, before the puke came out full force. She puked violently for about 5 minutes. Super fun! Fortunately, that's all there was to it. One puke. And she was pretty much fine all day.
The noise woke Max up and he begged to come into bed w/ me. I held my ground be/c experience has shown me that the kid will NOT fall asleep in my bed...he'll chit-chat and fart around until you give up all hope of sleeping again and just get him out of bed. So I cuddled him and rocked him and again - THANK YOU LORD - he went back to sleep until 6:30 am.
We got up then and I did Level 3 of my workout DVD. Killer. Like sweat dripping into my eyes kind of killer. I should be Shredded in no time. If only I could get my eating under control. Problem is...I like
I got breakfast for everyone, got showered, got Lily and Max dressed, hair done, teeth brusehd. All that morning kind of stuff. Then we took Lily to pre-school and I put a movie in the car DVD player so the kids could come down to the far South w/ me to get samples of melamine for a client.
Came home, did some design work on the computer and went to get Lily and her 2 friends (5 year old twins, Paige and Liam) and brought them here for a play-date. Chaos begins! Quickly finished up the work I had to get sent off while they all jumped on the trampoline and then made lunch (Kraft Dinner...again).
Then I got a surprise call from a past client who has some work for me (first some renovations on his office that got damaged by the city doing sewer work near his building...then he wants me to design/build a house for his grand-daughter! Eek! I'm super excited about this...).
After that, I sat in front of the computer for way too long while the kids played and then finally got off my butt to clean the lunch mess in the kitchen. Then I made some Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. And ate way too many of them be/c they were super yummy.
Paige and Liam got picked up by 3 pm, then I sat in front of the computer again (wasting time in blog land) and then played w/ my kids. I chased them around the living room coffee table and then we played Polar Bear...where one of us is the polar bear in the water and the others are safe on the iceberg (or couch if you will). The kids LOVE this...and I feel far better for playing with them and making them shriek with excitement, than I do for sitting in front of a computer screen for far too long.
Then we had breakfast for dinner (Greg was out at bible study and didn't come home beforehand). So I made them pancakes and scrambled eggs. Blue pancakes actually. Cleaned THAT mess up while they played then it was time for jammies. But first they jumped on the trampoline be/c it was so warm it nearly felt like a summer night! Gabrielle was the hired babysitter for the evening so she read books and then they all went to bed. Insert excited laugh here.
After doing my phone calls for BSF, I am now on my way to fold 2 huge heaping baskets of laundry before I fall into bed to start it all over again tomorrow. My eyes are burning I'm so tired. But I'm looking forward to coffee with my girlfriends tomorrow. And then on Wednesday, the twins' Mom is taking my kids for the day and my MIL is picking them up so its like I get TWO WHOLE DAYS off! Well to work anyhow, but still a treat to not have the Mum stuff to do on top of it.
There certainly isn't anything NEW. And to be honest, I'm glad about that. I don't think I can fit anything new in right now!
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