Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Last year I did a whole "green" dinner (green rice, green drinks, green dessert) but this year be/c we were leaving the next day and I didn't want left-overs, I bought them these green sprinkles donuts to go w/ our green water...they were perfectly happy!


Finally a nice spring like day to play outside. He loved being in the swing and giggled the entire time.


It was fun for them to have time outside WITH their friends! Nice for me too!


She was dancing to some music and watching herself in the reflection of the TV - just having a blast! It was hilarious!


The view from the other side of the gate...he is one busy boy.


She's all about scissors these days and loves just sitting and cutting anything in sight. Including the sleeve of her t-shirt...because it had a hair on it.


A moment of peace...


Pulling himself up on everything!

Monday, March 30, 2009

here I go...


I'm a rock-star and I don't want you tonight. I'm alright. Na na na na na na na na na na na. (Except she goes by "Tink" not Pink)


She doesn't tackle him like Lily but she is always carrying him around. She started asking when she could carry the baby before birth.


I was crazy enough to do 2 parties this year (live and learn...that will never happen again). Second party was a small bowling party and it was fun!


She turned SEVEN! Yikes! That just kills me.


Another heart melter, this one...quite alot of the time. Especially when she says to me "Know what Momma? I love you too."


Well he just melts my heart is all.


Can't post one w/out the other...they got suckers from the guy at the pizza store. Yes, Gabrielle's tongue is insanely long and Gene Simmons-esque. She gets it from me. And I, it turns out, got it from my father. He is the originator of the Gene Simmons-esque tongue.


He was entertained in here for mere minutes. Okay, seconds. Of course I forgot about the tipping over part of this equation.


She is constantly tackling him and he is getting so fed up! One day he is going to thump her and she will totally deserve it!


He just sits there staring at the two girls playing down there...babbling away at them and I'm sure he's saying "Hey! What are you doing down there? What is that? What are all those toys!? Let me down there too!" Soon buddy, soon.


She got sleepers put in, instead of studs. Oh the dramatics that entailed to get them in! And then once they were FINALLY in, she realized she'd made a fuss over nothing!


Cheerios on his tray buy me some time - any time of day.


Lily on her way to ballet class...

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Has it REALLY been a month since I've been on here? Ha! Well, there won't be photos tonight...and I'm not sure when exactly there will be photos as it is somewhat (okay, VERY) daunting to tackle a months worth of uploading photos on here! So much for my plan to do it every few days - CRAP! Now I have a whole month to catch up on.

Wish me luck...I am going to need it!