Sunday, July 11, 2010

11 on the 11th

1. 6 more sleeps until we go on holidays! Yippeee!

2. My girls have been gone since Thursday (three days ago). They are in Washington w/ my folks. I miss them!

3. I think Kate, from the famous Jon and Kate Plus 8 (now Kate plus 8) got her boobs done. They seem bigger to me.

4. Greg tried a new recipe tonight. Beef and turkey burgers w/ feta in between. They were okay.

5. I just registered for 2 online scrapbooking classes here.

6. I had to pretend to be out tonight so Greg could put Max to bed without him freaking out. It was nice to have that break!

7. I ran 40 minutes today. 10 minutes of running (4x) with only 1 minutes breaks of walking. Outside. I'm loving it.

8. We suspect we might have mold. So we're hunting for hardwood and we're going to rip out our dreadful mint green carpet soon.

9. We're also ripping out our bathroom (the tub leaks). We are both very excited to do some improvements around here. And hopefully it helps in the cause of our childrens health. They have had chronic colds the past 3 months.

10. I have 2 books waiting for me at the library. This and this. Can't wait to read lots during holidays!

11. I miss my girlfriends.