Monday, July 18, 2011

We are going on a summer holiday....

Edit* This was written WHILE i was on summer holiday (forever ago it seems) but blogger wouldn't let me post it... so its a bit outdate but whatevs.

Well, we already are on a summer holiday and so far so good. It is lovely here and smoking hot. We had 9 days without our kids before meeting up with them in Sandpoint, Idaho. It was a treat and a break, but not relaxing like you might think.

That is because we tackled their playroom. As in purging, painting, organizing, re-decorating (pictures to be posted later). It looks fantastic - we both love it. It was a big job, but one that had to be done without children around, because they of course cannot let anything go and it was in dire need to some serious sorthing and tossing. I cannot wait to show them - I'm very pleased with it.

Nine days was a treat for sure but after about 3 or 4 days we both missed them terribly. The one who we thought would miss us the most, couldn't have cared less about his parents. The one who we thought couldn't have cared less, phoned on day 2 sobbing because she missed us (Miss G.). It was awesome to see them again and have them run up to us and hug us tighter than they ever have before. Max on the other hand barely glanced our way and was more interested in getting out of the truck and his shoes off. Then he wanted to check out the house we rented, and finally after 5 minutes when I forced him to hug me did he decided to not let go for the next 2 hours. He must have told me every 10 seconds after that that he loved me and missed me. Stinker!

Now, 2 days in, its is life as normal with tantrums and arguements and bedtime snacks and early wake ups.

Today we will do what we did yesterday - beach all day. Then through the week, we'll check out Silverwood Amusement Park and for sure my mom and I are going to have a shopping day (Target! Whoo hoo!)....and of course more of the beach. Love it.