Monday, May 30, 2011


-he is 3 years old and one month.

-he doesn't play with toys. instead he wanders around the house and picks up random objects. Like keys. Or loose change. Or a flash light. Keys are one of his favorite things. He's really good at losing them too...especially if they are important ones.

-he is so stinkin' cute I can't believe it. Seriously. Each day I look at him and wonder how he possibly got cuter than the day before.

-he loves to snuggle in bed with me. he's usually up by 5:30 - 6:30 am and falls back asleep in bed with me for at least another hour. i have to be facing him, he will NOT let me turn my back. he also has to be either touching my face or holding onto one of my ears. super cute? yes. easy to fall back asleep when he's doing that? nope.

-he appears to be growing even though he isn't a great eater. he's pretty good with the snacks but not so much with the meals. no, wait, not true. good with breakfast and lunch, usually. but not so good with dinner. i don't sweat it.

-he is still in a crib. yes, he's three. my husbands co-workers bug him about this be/c all their kids who are three, are in a bed. we're getting closer.but he's not trying to climb OUT at this point, so really, why rush it?

-he has the cutest way of talking. EV-ER. he drops the first part of the word in a lot of cases. the neighbors dog, Ramone, is "Mone". pretending is "tending", Rapunzel is "Punzel". I. love. it.

-he loves to be outside. lately, with all the rain, he is fascinated by worms. he has the cutest way of jumping on the trampoline - totally straight legged, which is hilarious to watch.

-he has far too big of a sweet tooth. we've finally gotten to the point where he isn't asking for gum at 7 am. or a "polly-pop". its taken time and a lot of tears, but its getting better.

-he LOVES his sisters. loves playing with them. but also loves to tease them. he's definitely learning how to be a pesky little brother.

-he dresses himself quite often. in fact he is very opinionated about his clothing. he wears his clothes (including underwear) backwards on a regular basis.

-he is LOVED beyond belief. we are crazy about this kid.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm alive.

I seriously thought I'd be a big time blogger this year. For realz. I even got totally inspired a few weeks ago (again) when I looked thru my friends blog books. I thought "Yes! Start blogging again! Then get it all printed out so that at the end of that year you have recorded all of your thoughts, experiences, day to day life, etc.! That would be fabulous! That will be a great memento to have!" And since then...I haven't blogged once. I haven't even thought about it. Whatevs.

I find I get all nervous on here. Like I need to write differently, more funny, more interesting, more like other people. The funny girl that I am just doesn't translate onto the blog. I think I'd prefer it if NO ONE read my blog. Cuz then I wouldn't edit myself and I'd just write whatever was on my mind - random stuff that occurs in my head thru the day. So if YOU are reading this...stop it. Now. Just kidding. I'm actually just going to warn you that this isn't for you, to entertain you or make you laugh. Or to even show you pics of my cute kids. I might not even mention them on here at all. This is MY blog. And I'm taking it back! (Not that anyone told me I had to write or blog for was my own stupid thinking)

Random stuff...
1. I am really looking forward to Oprah being over. There I said it. Why? Because her last few shows have been nothing but other people (and herself a bit) glorifying her. And that bugs me. You went to school be/c of Oprah? You started your dream job be/c of Oprah? Your life changed be/c of Oprah? Seriously. Yes, she's done a lot of good. But lets not leave God (THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE I MIGHT ADD) out of the equation.

2. My in-laws are out of town. Which means my kids are NOT having their weekly sleep-over at their house tonight. And my Mum is back in Anacortes. And that also means that my hubs and I are NOT having date night tonight. Lame. I had a reservation for this restaurant...NOtaBLE. Had to cancel it. I love our weekly date night! It has done wonders for our marriage. We are not only enjoying new restaurants (we take turns surprising each other each week with a different, and possibly new restaurant) we have to spend time chatting. Which is great. Be/c at home we rarely spend time together (too pooped after the kids are in bed) and if we get take-out we often sack out in front of the TV and don't talk. So going out, although expensive, is super good for us. So, my point being, that I greatly appreciate both my MIL and my Mum. Like more than they know.

3. I'm reading a GREAT book. I didn't think I'd love it that much, but I am really enjoying it. So much so that I sat at the kitchen table for 2 hours this morning reading while the kids played. It is called everyone is beautiful. It's about a SAHM and there are quite a few laugh out loud moments that pretty much every mom can relate to. Not sure what I'll read next, but I hope to read a lot this summer. I LOVE to read. Like it makes me so ridiculously happy. I remember when I fell hard for reading. It wasn't until Grade 9 when my mom lent me a Danielle Steel book. We were cycling thru Germany and France when I was 14 and I probably didn't bring a book so I read hers. After that I loved to read. Once I had kids I didn't read a whole lot and then finally, as they got a bit older, I had a bit more time to read again. I hope I don't ever forget how much I love to read. And I hope my kids love to read for pleasure one day too. So far so good with Gabrielle.

4. We will probably get Maxy-Max into his big boy bed soon. We have the bed, all we need is the mattress. I am hoping it goes well...hoping he doesn't come into our room too often (at all) in the middle of the night. He often wakes up in the middle of the though he were having bad dreams or night terrors. One of us goes in there at least once a night and then he's typically in our bed by 5:30 am. I am going to try the big boy bed and then after that, maybe, just maybe have him and Lily share a room. Maybe if he sees his sister lying in her bed asleep he won't be freaked out? He doesn't wake up in the wee hours at Grandma's or Grammy's. I wonder if its because he shares a room with one of his sisters?

5. I went through all three kids drawers and closets today and removed all the small stuff from their wardrobes. It always amazes me a)how many clothes my kids have and b)how big they are getting. It feels so good to purge all those clothes!

6. That said however, I basically chased my tail all day. What do I mean? It means even though I was in purging/organizing kids had other plans. While I tidied and sorted their rooms, they were busy making messes in every other room. Greg always asks me "Will we ever catch our tails?" And the answer is always NO. Not with small kids. Not for at least another 15 years.

7. I want some of these boots. But I'm not entirely sure I can justify spending $125 US on them. All the girls in New York were wearing them. I love them. They'd sure come in handy with all the rain we've been having.

8. I got my hairs cut last week. Even though I've been wanting to grow it out, the hairdresser was forced to cut a good chunk of it off be/c of all the dead ends. I just can't seem to get it past a certain point without it getting so dry. So the length is kind of between a shorter bob and long. What I just discovered today is that it is called a "demi bob" and it is the hot new length. See?

So now that I see this hair on these cute girls, I may keep it and just try to figure out how exactly to style it so I look that cute. Because I'm not loving this length or style yet but hoping it is just growing pains of getting a new cut and it will take a bit of time to learn how to style it. Because what I'm really tempted to do is cut it shorter. Like hers...

Chelsea Kane's hair on DWTS. Super cute hey? Loving it. Might be fun for summer? Or like this? (love the highlights on the blonde too BTW)

For now I'll work w/ what I've got...and attempt the waving or curling the HD showed me with the flat iron. And then if I just don't love it, I'll chop it like Chelsea's. If only I could achieve her washboard abs too!

Did you see those last night? Seriously. To.Die.For. When I see abs like that I so desperately want them. But yet...I'm so not willing to give up wine, chocolate, sweets, etc. to get them. Wish I were. Maybe one day? Not tonight anyhow! After the kids are in bed, I'm going to read my book, have a glass of wine and yes, there maybe be chocolate involved.