Thursday, January 12, 2012

hair today... gone tomorrow

i am transitioning back to blonde (yes, i'm STILL talking about my hair...lame, i know) and as i was looking through pictures today i came across this one.

know what? I LIKE IT. i might even love it. sometimes it seemed too dark on me. but when i see it in a photo, i kinda miss is. why go back to blonde then you might ask? well, when i was sitting in a crowd or with my brown haired friends, i missed being the only blonde head of hair.

what i DON'T like is the middle ground hair i am sporting right now. it never occured to me that it would be a process to go from brown back to blonde. so for another 5 weeks i'm stuck with an in between color that really, really doesn't appeal to me. it seems so mousy. so blah. so nothing. some say it is better because it isn't so dark.

i say i cannot wait to get back to blondey blonde goodness and no thank you to this mousy non-color of a hairdo.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

date with lily

me and my girl had a date last week. it was AWESOME. i LOVE spending time one on one with my kids...and they love it too. she was vibrating she was so excited! as we drove to the mall she said to me "oh. i'm getting tears. i'm so happy!" she had happy tears that we got to have a date. how precious is that?

she had gotten a gift card to Toys R Us for her birthday and it was burning a hole in her pocket so we had to get to the mall so she could shop! she really had a heck of a time deciding on what to buy...she wanted to make sure whatever she got was the BEST toy out there! Barbie it was...actually Skipper and Chelsea - two of Barbie's sisters? it was a great choice - this girl plays with Barbies like no ones business.

of course we had to have lunch. she requested a baby burger and onion rings. YUM! we actually ate before she bought the Barbies, because we had to discuss her options. the other toy she was considering was a Barbie riding a vespa scooter. however, she decided on the 2 sister Barbies as she didn't have any of those before.

i hope my kids will always have dates with me. that time with them is so very precious...i love it. can't wait for the next date!

Monday, January 2, 2012

hello 2012

wow. 2012. it seems like only days ago it was 2011. hee hee hee! i so funny.

my plan to blog daily did not happen.

i'm not sure if i accomplished ANY of my resolutions for 2011.

but yet, looking back, it was a pretty decent year. i do wish i had of blogged more be/c then i might remember what, exactly, happened in the year 2011.

thinking about it, trying to are some of the things that happened in 2011.

a flu bug hit our house on Christmas Eve and has run through the kids and adults.
(there are no photos of this. you're welcome for that.)

i went from blonde to brown. a drastic change, hair wise. (and oh so important!)

we FINALLY started to renovate our house - after thinking about it, talking about it, dreaming about it for eight long years.

the middle girl started kindergarten. and loves it.

the older girl is in grade four. and loves it.

the boy, turned three and is still just along for the ride.

my cousin, Jo-Ell, came for a visit in September. it was NOT long enough, but SOOOOOO much fun and i enjoyed every minute with her. i was heart broken when she left.

we went to Sandpointe, Idaho for 2 weeks.

we went to Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico for 1 week.

it was a VERY busy spring, work wise. (pictures to follow...i seriously HAVE to photograph all my clients houses!)

combine that and then some with the day to day - hubby, three kids and stuff - and life just zips by and you are into another year!

so much to be thankful for over 2011 - mainly the fact that this little family of mine woke up day after day. we were all healthy in the whole scheme of things. we were together. that is a lot to be happy about.

so going into 2012 i want more of the same. to be with my family. to be healthy. to have more time with friends. to enjoy this life of mine. to have fun and laugh a lot more and see the joy in things.

to be content. THAT is my resolution for 2011. to be content with what i have. to be content with who i'm with. to be content with where i am. CONTENT.

(i also want to run a half-marathon like i said i would last year. and grow my hair long. and quite a few other superficial goals...) but if those things don't happen...i'm determined to be content!