Thursday, June 28, 2012

embrace the camera 06.28.12

just posting whatever pics I can find that are somewhat current of me and my kiddos. life's been so crazy with the renovation that i don't think there's been much embracing going on! gotta get back at it. be/c it is a gift indeed. thanks emily!

date night...holla!!! and yes, little hearts float around us when we're together.

volunteering at his pre-school. love it. momma's boy.

the three of that G. is off school I'll actually be able to get some wit her.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

bring esther home....won't you?

i read THIS lady's blog. i love her. i don't know her, i've never met her, but i love her. her heart for orphans and children in general is AH-MAZING! i want to be more like her. truly. she has a house full of children with more on the way and i see her walk through it with grace, love, peace, joy and just the knowledge of knowing she is where God wants her to be. how often would anyone say that about me? sadly, i'd say never.

i love my kids dearly but i feel i am in a real process of the Lord changing me and working on me DAILY. i'm sure she feels the same way too. i hope He'll change me to more like LOVE(that is her that not the best?) or really, that He'll change me to be however HE wants me to be. i want the fruits of the spirit - especially when it comes to raising my kids. Who wouldn't?

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23

Anywhoooo...about Esther. Love is trying to help the amazing family who are adopting her get her home. As you can imagine, adopting from anther country is expensive. They need our help. I know I have $20 to help them out. And if you don't, that's okay pray for them! I have a heart for orphans too and often struggle with whether or not God is asking us to adopt. I work through that in prayer. At this point, I don't have that answer, but HE does. So I wait...and pray...and pray for others who know they are called to adopt.

Surprised? Don't be. I've always wanted lots of kids. But truth be told, I'm not so sure I have the personality for it! I'm a freak, to say the least. But I also know if God wants lots of kids in this family, He is more than capable of changing my personality to accomodate them. Pray about THAT one won't you??? Now...GO DONATE!!! (please?!)


Monday, June 4, 2012

I'm sitting on the deck outside reading a book, eating an apple with PB and Nutella, knowing full well I should be inside doing chores. There's laundry to be put away, theres a dirty floor to be swept and alot of other things on the list that I could do. But not only did I not get the "i must spend every waking minute being busy and productive" gene (sorry about your luck Mum!) I can't help but wonder lately if I'll get to the end of my life and wish I didn't spend SO much time worrying about those kinds of things. I know those things NEED to be done but should I really feel guilty for taking a half hour to relax, enjoy a book and some fresh air? I'm not saying its my mum that makes me feel guilty (but trust me I do when her house gets so disastrous and my family is the cause of it) it's just that as a mum, wife and normal person of society I often feel guilty when I sit down, ignore the chores and just BE. I do often wonder if when I'm 90 I'll think to myself "gee. I sure should have kept the house cleaner and been more organized." Or will I look back and think "I should have played with my kids more, eaten more ice cream and had more fun"??? I actually want to ask my Grandma who is 90 what kinds of things she regrets or wishes she would have done now that she has the perspective of a 90 year old. What kind of things did she stress over as a young mum that she sees now was just plain silly and a waste of time? Our perspective is always so different as we age. I imagine if I spent more time getting organized and doing my best to keep it that way I'd likely cause a lot less stress in my life. Sometimes I let things get so out of hand and chaotic (think TEN loads of laundry to do at a time) I get extremely stressed and mad at myself. I WISH I was more organized but is it even possible after all these years? I wonder. I doubt it. But I hope so. Prayer request??? Dear Lord, please help me be more organized. Amen. Trust me, I pray it more than you can imagine!