Thursday, September 29, 2011

embrace the camera

playin' around with my new iPhone...don't you take pics of yourself at the grocery store gas station?!!! ...all i see in this picture is those frown lines! Yeesh.

linking up here...LOVE HER.

Friday, September 23, 2011

the "i heart list"

i thought it would be fun to start a monthly list of things that i am loving right now. Okay, maybe it will be a post i do every OTHER month! but i think it will be fun regardless. (I started this post about OVER a month ago so clearly this is NOT going to be a monthly thing...more like a whenever thing!)

it might be things you can buy or things that i just want to document so i remember them years from now. here goes...

i heart (september OCTOBER 2011)...

1. THESE boots. Sigh. They are so cute. I.must.have.them!!! How to decide between red and violet hi-gloss? Adorable!

2. my kids.
of course they will ALWAYS be on this list but a funny thing Max said the other day must go on here. We went to our small group dinner on Saturday and he walked between 2 of the women there and said "Excuse me Ladies!" in a total Rico Suave kind of way. What the? I have NEVER heard him say that before so it was pretty surprising! And of course, they found it hysterical too! Little charmer he is.

3. Pinterest
Oh My Goodness! I could spend WAY too much time on there.So many cute ideas, clothes, house stuff...ETC.! I need a day that I'm not working or parenting to just sit and look at Pinterest all day - GUILT FREE!

4. hearing my kids say to the others "i love you". I hear this alot. Max tells both the girls he loves them at random times. Lily often tells Gabrielle and Max as well. The only one it doesn't come from is Gabrielle. She always reciprocates with an "i love you too" but isn't the instigator. That's okay, I know she adores them both.

5. date night. haven't had one in way too long as they've taken a back seat to renovating but soon, i hope, soon! missing them makes me appreciate them all the more.

6. POLYVORE. oh my. you can create dream outfits by clicking and dragging them onto a template. seriously! another website i need to spend some guilt-free time on.

7. yellow. love it.

(sources unknown)

8. Zara. i hadn't really shopped here until my cousin came for a visit in september. it has some CUTE stuff for great prices! Like this yummy blazer...i must have it.

9. this hair. i'm trying to grow mine long, long, long. i know it (and I) won't look like this but i want to try. a lot of work i bet though huh?

source: pinterest

tune in next month for another "i heart list". oh i'm going to be very popular i just know it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

embrace the camera - 09/22/11

date night on our 11th anniversay (sept.2) - we went to Lounge Burger. YUM! (terrible pictures w/ the iPhone - crappy lighting in the restaurant)

i love date night. we are lucky/blessed/fortunate enough to get one EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. Thank you mother in law! i'm sure i've mentioned how it helps our relationship greatly to get this time together.

next i told him to do "blue steel" (from Zoolander) and he really had no idea what that was...but good try none the less!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

embrace the camera

i haven't posted an "embrace the camera picture" in so very long and i really do love it - what a treasure all these pictures are.

i love this picture of me and lily. max took it with my iPhone! we went out for coffee, after dropping Miss G. off at school. we do this alot and they love going for coffee! i love just hanging out with them. i'm realizing how precious these moments are with them now that little miss sunshine is at kindergarten every day now.

some days i just want to be out of the house, hanging out with my friends, getting a break. but lately i want more time with my kids - life is going by too fast and soon enough they won't want to hang out with their mum.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Get organized...

It is a goal I have this new school year...MUST. GET. ORGANIZED. We will be starting a renovation soon and if I'm not organized well, there might be a divorce or a felony committed. Or, more likely, I will be committed to an insane asylum.

If you want to be organized, like I'm going to be... go to Rebecca Cooper's blog for your chance to win a class on how to get organized.

But I'm going to don't bother.