Saturday, May 9, 2009

a photo a day?

Yah, right. That so isn't going to happen, FYI! I've decided that it just isn't realistic to post (or take for that matter) a photo a day. So there. I've said it...and really, it don't matter much because it was just for me anyhow and I much rather enjoy blathering on about mundane things anyhow.

In not so mundane news...little Maxwell Elliot turned ONE! Seriously. One. How is it that a whole year has gone by since that little guy joined our lives? Crazy. I can't believe that my BABY, my last little baby is one. Makes me sad. Not sad enough to go through it all again - that feeling is gone, thank goodness. And let me tell you, I really did have it bad for a while. I'd get that ache in my gut that made me think, well maybe just one more? But no, that ache is gone and that door is officially closed. Sorry Mom!

We had a few parties for the boy - one in Kamloops with family, one at home with my girlfriends and one at my mom's with family. Glad its all over, but it was fun. Fun to see him experience his first piece of cake. Fun to see the look on his face when a cupcake with candle was placed in front of him. He's such a doll...really, he's such a good baby and darn cute! That smile and laugh just melt my heart. How did I get this blessed three times?!

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