Sunday, February 22, 2009

One Year Older

No, I'm not talking about one of my children, I'm talking about me. I just celebrated another birthday. 36 years old. How did that happen? How did I get closer to 40 than I did to 30?

Sheesh, life sure passes by quickly. But, it is only a number - I still act like I'm a teenager a good chunk of the time! And, on occassion, like a that throws fits and tantrums! So, the number just doesn't matter. At least that is what I'm telling myself as I creep closer and closer to the big four - oh.

I had a fabulous birthday! And it isn't over, I like to spread it out over days and days. Usually I call it birthday week (I even have my brother and sister-in-law wishing me a "Happy Birthday Week!" - love that!) but this year, it has been condensed to Birthday Weekend.

Yesterday I was served a venti Starbucks and breakfast in bed. Eggs, bacon and toast. Yum! Then I went for a pedicure which was delightful. After that I came home and tidied up a bit (although I had to point out several times to anyone that would listen that I was cleaning ON my birthday!) and waited for a girlfriend to arrive to scrapbook. We scrapbooked for about an hour before we had a martini and some yummy snacks! Then we scrapbooked some more until more girlfriends arrived for a pre-dinner birthday drink.

We went here and it was fabulous! We all shared fondue (cheese, beef and seafood) and ended it with chocolate fondue which was soooooo good that we ordered another chocolate fondue to share! What a yummy birthday dinner! It was so rich that I had the fleeting thought that I might end the evening over the toilet with Candy holding my hair back and me crying out "I love you man!" And it was seriously from the rich meal and NOT the birthday bevvies! However, I feel as spry as a 35 year old today so it all turned out okay.

Lily asked me several times yesterday "It's your birthday today? Where are your decorations??" Indeed Lily, where were my decorations?

Today, I will continue to milk birthday weekend for all its worth and enjoy a birthday dinner with my parents at their house and then my children will stay the night there and spend the entire day there tomorrow! Woo hoo to that!

On a serious note, I always seem to feel a bit reflective on my birthday. I feel really blessed to have an awesome little family that is healthy, a home and food on the table, great friends that I have so much fun with and parents that I'm close to.

Here are a few photos from the last week and most importantly from birthday...have I mentioned that?


Me, on my birthday, enjoying a cocktail.


Swinging outside after pre-school...


He is soooo quick...


Playing Peek-a-Boo with Gabrielle...he rarely covers his eyes, but instead puts his arms and hands on his head! So cute.


Dressed up like a little dude


Gabrielle had a been in her bonnet about having their faces painted. They had fun playing cats and dogs and then, fighting like cats and dogs.


Gabrielle just doesn't appreciate Chocolate Molten Lava cake like I do. She only had two bites and then walked away from it. Me, I would have licked the plate clean.


My Valentines...oh and their Dad too.

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